The Acton Arboretum comprises both the well-manicured Orchard area, and a wilder wooded portion, with swamps, eskers, bogs, and inner meadows. Invasive plants are found throughout.
Area A - The Orchard
Area A comprises the "Orchard Loop" plus the new China Garden. Invasives in this area are MultiFlora Rose, Asian Bittersweet, Mugwort, and Garlic Mustard. The areas near the paths are continuously being cleared as Ruby gets her daily constitutional.
Area B - Taylor Rd Border
Area B is the area between the sidewalk and Taylor Rd., in the area between the exit and the southern border of the Arboretum. Invasives in this area are largely Glossy Buckthorn and Mugwort, with some MultiFlora Rose, Bush Honeysuckle, and Asian Bittersweet thrown in. Last cleared on 10/18/23 (although there is still a large Bush Honeysuckle at the southern end which hasn't been cut.)
Area C - Inside the WildFlower Trail
This is an area cleared in the past few years (2019 ?). There is still considerable regrowth from roots of Asian Bittersweet and Multiflora Rose which needs clearing.
Area D - The Neglected Area
Area D starts at the parking lot and continues downhill between the Arboretum border and the maintained Arboretum lands. Infested with large Bush Honeysuckle overgrown with Asian Bittersweet. Multiflora rose is also scattered throughout. Clearing started in 2022.
Area E - The Donald Land Crossing
Area E is the area around the start of the swamp trail. It is infested with large Bush Honeysuckle, Glossy Buckthorn and Multiflora Rose overgrown with Asian Bittersweet. Lots of Poison Ivy and Raspberries as well, which while desired have a tendency to grow into the trail.
In 2022 (?), there was an effort by volunteers to cut back the encroaching vegetation, especially in the area close to Mary's Brook. There was a pass made a clearing regrowth in summer of 2023.
Area F - The Taylor Rd. Swamp
This area is the Taylor Rd. side of the swamp at the northeast corner of the Arboretum. It has large clumps of Glossy Buckthorn.
Unclear when it was last worked.
Area G - The new Garlic Mustard patch
In 2023, Jim Snyder-Grant discovered a new infestation of Garlic Mustard in this area. Among the Bush Honesuckle.